40k Battle Report; Chaos Marines versus Space Marines
Hello, dystopian. I have been trying to come back into the hobby again, I am talking about 40k. To who doesn't know it, 40k is a miniature game based in a futuristic war between many galactic species. The future, in this game, is a combination of the wars of the end of the Roman Empire, the Crusades, and WWII. Also, the 40k universe is full of fantasy and scifi elements since it´s located in the year 40,000.
I used to play with an army called the Imperial Guard but because I moved to the United States, I decided to change from the Imperial Guard to the Orks (a.k.a. space Orks). I am working on them and am going to write a lot about Orks in the following weeks.
In the meantime, someone from the Roll Initiative store borrowed me an army of chaos marines (a.k.a Chaos). I'm going to share the results of this shameful battle (I did a terrible game). Also, my knowledge of the miniatures is limited so I'll describe as much as I can.
The scenography was pretty amazing and huge. I enjoyed it so much, for example, the helicopter was eye-catching. The owner told me that it was made of a G.I. Joe's toy and toilet paper. It's crazy.
We fought with two armies. We had around 750 points and five positions to capture. Each player controlled two objectives while the remaining one was in the middle of the board, disputed. Although I controlled my army, I did not deploy them. The crucial part of the game was fought on the right side of the table where I lacked troops as you will see.
As you can see below, the right side of the board. You may see that the disputed position would be located on the right side of the two-floor building.
Still in the deploy phase. I should had intervene, specially when I had that huge something demon in the left side, if something I have learned is that the assault troops should be in the middle as a general rule.
On my side, I have a psycho and a chaos commander. They were really reliable during the game. Also, the tank was fully equipped with two lasers guns per side with a complete band of vindicators waiting to go out a do a mess. I have never used them before, and I was always scared in the past of what they are capable. Luckily, this time they were on my side of the board.
In the left side of the board, I count with a company of regular chaos marines. I hoped that they could resist the enemy fire.
As always, the space marines' hordes were fully equipped with heavy support. I hate Dreadnoughts so much. They are like Anibal's elephants or the Scotland penises under their skirts.
Slowly, still holding their guns, the riflemen began to move and occupy one of the strategic positions. I decided to abandon that point, also their firepower was not a priority. That was a correct decision.
The first turn began with the space marines' officers shouting conflicting commands while the main detachment advanced across the board against my stronger position. It was my chance to take the center.
The feared Dreadnought also advanced with the main detachment. I left only a detachment in the left side so weapons in hand, they continued to look for cover behind one of my mean control points.
The whole space marines' detachment advanced. They expected the battle to be in the center but I decided to just lure them in the wrong directions.
The enemy forces keep advancing in the center but far from the disputed position at the right side of the main building. I knew that there was no point in fighting them. If I wanted to win, my best shot would be to lure them with part of my troops, keep the point to the left, and capture the center with my main force. But I committed a mistake, I waste part of my shots in their Dreadnought and their Rhino because I thought that I could make it explode and kill part of their detachment in my first turn.
As you can see, I have quite an advantage on the second side because I have two detachments able to capture the point while they only have one rhino with regular space marines. It was my chance, however, the strongest part of their heavy support was also on that side of the board.
I maintained the position in the right side with regular chaos marines equipped with bolters.
Within a few seconds, a full volley of shots was fired at my men. Three chaos marines fell, probably dying and yelling nasty words for their god. Then it was my turn to come on with my bayonets and axes.
Soon, the sounds of shots were replaced by the screams of my soldiers charging against their rhino. The real battle had begun. I guess they were not prepared for what happened next.
In the meantime, enemy troops ran to get their guns and try some overwatch shoots but my boys were fast enough and no single shot did hit us.
Although my efforts to capture the disputed position, the enemy took the opportunity to occupy the position. Not the loyalists were filled with a deep sense of relief after they took a very advantaged position to shot in their next turn.
I was in a desperate situation. My troops were also being overwhelmed on the left side of the board.
The enemy decided to charge against my position. Although the main detachment reached the position, their commander failed his dice. I guess he did not pray with enough devotion to his God Emperor.
As a result, the commander was left alone. I took the opportunity. I moved my land rider and afterwards I ordered the detachmend of exterminators to charge against the commander. Also, my chaos best ran against him. He was braved and gave a stand against them but he died overnumbered.
In the meantime, my commander charged the detachment of space marines that abandoned their commander. It was supposed to be an easy fight. I finally got the first score by killing the enemy commander.
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